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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 21.01.2016 14:46 Titel: TUEV for my idea of a bobber conversion. |
My German is not very good at all. But I am having a very hard time with the idea of TÜV for my idea of a bobber conversion.
It seems there are a lot of rules and laws I'm not allowed to break to convert my bike.
My questions are as below:
I want to convert the front wheels to 21", I have asked Kedo, they said I should be able to do so with what's called "Prüfbericht" for assembled wheels.
But how can I confirm this before I break down my front hub for the conversion?
Is the front fender required for TÜV?
If I cut the tail of the frame, would I need TÜV for the modified frame?
Removing air box - is this legal? I have seen some bikes with just a K&N filter into the carb... But in told it's not legal?
Removing battery and install a battery eliminator - will this require TÜV?
Shortening front fork - TÜV?
Thanks in advance
Please feel free to reply in German. I can try and translate it.
Richard |
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rei97 Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 7157 Wohnort: Denkendorf
Verfasst am: 21.01.2016 16:15 Titel: |
welcome in the 'kleine Kneipe'
First I edited your title to without Ü, because our forum SW is bad to mutated vowels in the title.
You want to mutate your SR to a Bobber.
This can be done with benison of TÜV, but I would first contact your local TÜV and ask for your wishes. If the engeneer agrees, you will have no trouble.
Most of your questions base on the year of built.
The Frontwheel: I would ask altF4 in this forum. He is german but living in Devon UK. He should know.
The frame:
Cut the end behind the shock absorbers and the seat fixing tubes and paint them well. Nobody will detect the mod. No TÜV necessary.
Air box:
depends on the year of built. After 1990 almost impossible.
Take the Kedopart with venturi. Better do not drive in thunderstorms. Danger of piston ring corrosion in cyl. You may need a refeed to the inlet for the block breather (depends on the opinion of your local ing.)
To replace the battery with a condensor is possible. TÜV should not complain. Even KTM has this in some MCs.
Front fork:
The easiest way is to push through the fork a bit.
This can be done after TÜV and is reversible.
Rei97 _________________
skype: hrei97
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 21.01.2016 16:55 Titel: |
rei97 hat Folgendes geschrieben: | Hi,
welcome in the 'kleine Kneipe'
First I edited your title to without Ü, because our forum SW is bad to mutated vowels in the title.
You want to mutate your SR to a Bobber.
This can be done with benison of TÜV, but I would first contact your local TÜV and ask for your wishes. If the engeneer agrees, you will have no trouble.
Most of your questions base on the year of built.
The Frontwheel: I would ask altF4 in this forum. He is german but living in Devon UK. He should know.
The frame:
Cut the end behind the shock absorbers and the seat fixing tubes and paint them well. Nobody will detect the mod. No TÜV necessary.
Air box:
depends on the year of built. After 1990 almost impossible.
Take the Kedopart with venturi. Better do not drive in thunderstorms. Danger of piston ring corrosion in cyl. You may need a refeed to the inlet for the block breather (depends on the opinion of your local ing.)
To replace the battery with a condensor is possible. TÜV should not complain. Even KTM has this in some MCs.
Front fork:
The easiest way is to push through the fork a bit.
This can be done after TÜV and is reversible.
Rei97 |
Hi Rei97,
Thanks for the reply.
Why is removal of Air Box impossible if the bike year of build is after 1990?
My bike's EZ 05.03.1990, will this make a difference?
I would contact my local TUV Engineer, but it seems finding an English speaking engineer for TUV is harder than I expected.
Noted the other answers, it's good to get someone's advice.
For the 21" front wheel - I'll see if i can reach altF4.
thanks again |
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rei97 Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 7157 Wohnort: Denkendorf
Verfasst am: 21.01.2016 20:29 Titel: |
You will notice that there was a break in app 90 when they wanted the so called HU. This means they want the CO measure. Some TÜFs are eager to earn money with a new sound and gas measurement. I would keep far from this and stick to the stock filter housing with a K&N Filter.
Rei97 _________________
skype: hrei97
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hiha Forumsweiser

Anmeldedatum: 04.06.2006 Beiträge: 1724 Wohnort: Neubiberg b M.
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 06:32 Titel: |
Hi Richard,
where are you living?
Hans |
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aenz Begossener Wieselaffe

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 1798 Wohnort: Oldenburch
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 08:30 Titel: |
Usually a 21" wheel should not be a problem as there are many motorbikes from which to take that particular wheel. Just let you TÜV engineer know prior to the conversion what you are planning to do.
When presenting the motorbike to the TÜV engineer he will check all the details of the wheel and tyre and will also do a test drive where he makes sure the wheel works properly, the brake will do its best to stop the motorbike when needed, and all the cables, speedo drive etc. are fixed and working.
In this forum we have at least one member driving around with a 21" wheel: Dieter, aka captain-b, his profile can be found here: http://sr-xt-500.de/phpBB2023/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=85
Maybe he can help with a copy of his experience and also a copy of his documents.
If you want to cut your frame make sure to hit the right spot. On the internet, a document from Yamaha can be found, confirming where cutting the frame is possible: http://www.ratpak.de/depot/IMG/pdf/SR_Gutachten_Rahmenaenderung.pdf
The battery eliminator does not require TÜV.
Due to EU regulations vs. national regulations there seems to be quite some confusion around the requirement of a front fender. I would simply attach a fender as your bike might fail the TÜV if it is not built onto the motorbike as the engineer might not be willing to accept a motorbike without a fender. Once you have found an engineer with proper language skills I would simply ask him if he would accept a motorbike without a front fender for inspection.
Generally spoken, the air-box can be removed but be prepared to have a noise measurement done when presenting the bike to the TÜV engineer. This is more or less the same procedure as if you are trying to do this in the UK for your MOT test and want to have a custom-built exhaust pipe entered into your vehicle documents. The TÜV engineer has to make sure the noise coming from the open air filter lies within the limits of tolerance for your specific year of make. Generally spoken: the later the bike is built the tighter the regulations and limits of tolerance get.
For all your plans it is beneficial to introduce them to the TÜV engineer and involve him in the process which will lead to a win-win situation: the engineer feels flattered and it is also easier for you to get all your modifications entered into your documents and pass the test. Be prepared to spend quite a few € as all your modifications will requiere a so called "Einzelabnahme", best translated as "individual acceptance" I guess.
Our local TÜV engineers here in Oldenburg are very tolerant concerning modifying a motorbike but I am not sure about their language skills. So if you are located in the North I would give it a try here. If language assistance is needed I would be able to help and translate if required.
Good luck! _________________ Munterhalten!
aenz |
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 09:52 Titel: |
hiha hat Folgendes geschrieben: | Hi Richard,
where are you living?
Hans |
Hi Hans,
I'm in Dresden. |
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 10:02 Titel: |
aenz hat Folgendes geschrieben: | Morning!
Usually a 21" wheel should not be a problem as there are many motorbikes from which to...... |
That is some seriously great information there!
Thanks a lot for that.
But it looks like the road is a long and steep one...
I'm having a hard time finding a local TUV engineer who can deal with me in English, and it is only my fault I don'y speak German well.
I've been looking into this conversion for the last couple of months, now, and there are so many road blocks... it's making me turn a bit sour towards the idea.
But your information on the frame cut and the battery eliminator is great!
I'm a little concerned about removing air box, I think (it would be hard to keep the noise level to a limit when the airbox is gone.
My TUV is due in less than 3 months. What would happen if I did the TUV with my now pretty standard SR, and pass the TUV, and remove the air box AFTER I pass the TUV? Would this be a massive concern for police, insurance etc?
Has anyone experienced this?
Thanks very much for everyone's input.
Richard. |
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aenz Begossener Wieselaffe

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 1798 Wohnort: Oldenburch
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 10:27 Titel: |
washryc hat Folgendes geschrieben: |
...My TUV is due in less than 3 months. What would happen if I did the TUV with my now pretty standard SR, and pass the TUV, and remove the air box AFTER I pass the TUV? Would this be a massive concern for police, insurance etc?
Has anyone experienced this?
Thanks very much for everyone's input.
Richard. |
If no further modifications are intended prior to the TÜV I would do exactly THAT. Pass the TÜV and do all the modifications afterwards so you do not have to rush things.
Nowaday the SR has become quite exotic and I doubt that police would recognize that your motorbike is not as old as it looks. I have never been stopped with my SR or XT when driving by a police car or when the rozzers walked by.
When you leave the side covers attached nobody will see the difference and everthing's fine
But one has to mention that formally you would probably lose your "Betriebserlaubnis" and this could raise some problems with insurance and the authorities if you cause a crash. Just in case.... _________________ Munterhalten!
aenz |
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fpg Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 21.03.2006 Beiträge: 5096
Verfasst am: 22.01.2016 10:43 Titel: |
... one of my fellows made this on his 48t... he had no probs about the "tüv", they legalized this customization .
der fpg _________________ tradition ist nicht das aufbewahren der asche, sondern das weiterreichen der streichhölzer ...
http://www.ausgestrahlt.de |
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 23.01.2016 11:12 Titel: |
aenz hat Folgendes geschrieben: | But one has to mention that formally you would probably lose your "Betriebserlaubnis" and this could raise some problems with insurance and the authorities if you cause a crash. Just in case.... |
This was my worry, I don't want to have any problems with insurance in case of any accidents... it could be i cause the accident, or someone else run into me, either way...
fpg hat Folgendes geschrieben: | moin,
... one of my fellows made this on his 48t... he had no probs about the "tüv", they legalized this customization .
der fpg |
Any chance you have photos of this build?
I'd love to see the end result.
Thx! |
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rei97 Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 7157 Wohnort: Denkendorf
Verfasst am: 23.01.2016 17:20 Titel: |
There is one critical thing with mods.
If an increase of power is provable AND this is the rootcause for the crash, you will have serious probs.
All the other smart mods are not relevant especially if they are 'tüfft'.
A more than 20 year old motorcycle is not the adress for cops.
Mostly they do not know the technic of these youngtimers and do not stop them eccept you are on a megaphone with 130dba.
Rei97 _________________
skype: hrei97
Zuletzt bearbeitet von rei97 am 24.01.2016 09:31, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet |
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hiha Forumsweiser

Anmeldedatum: 04.06.2006 Beiträge: 1724 Wohnort: Neubiberg b M.
Verfasst am: 23.01.2016 17:52 Titel: |
If you are living in eastern germany, isnt dhe DEKRA responsible for your project?
Hans |
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dreckbratze Einziger junger Sack

Anmeldedatum: 16.08.2005 Beiträge: 2600
Verfasst am: 24.01.2016 08:18 Titel: |
yes. |
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 25.01.2016 08:37 Titel: |
hiha hat Folgendes geschrieben: | If you are living in eastern germany, isnt dhe DEKRA responsible for your project?
Hans |
yes they are, but with my limited knowledge of German, I have had some long and meaningless talks with the person there, as they kind of got fed up with me not knowing what they are saying and them also not knowing what I'm saying...
This has proven to be too long and hard road to cross. Maybe the SR will stay pretty stock after all... shame. Such a good base for mods of all sorts. |
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dreckbratze Einziger junger Sack

Anmeldedatum: 16.08.2005 Beiträge: 2600
Verfasst am: 25.01.2016 17:36 Titel: |
after a while you'll see that there is more possible as you think. just spend some time to find out which laws and rules you need. you have to know the rules better than the guy at tüv.
there's nearly nothing original with my street-legal guzzi combo.  |
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rei97 Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 7157 Wohnort: Denkendorf
Verfasst am: 25.01.2016 17:56 Titel: |
dreckbratze hat Folgendes geschrieben: | after a while you'll see that there is more possible as you think. just spend some time to find out which laws and rules you need. you have to know the rules better than the guy at tüv.
there's nearly nothing original with my street-legal guzzi combo.  |
Jepp thats the truth.
No cop will bother about a 30 years stock grandma.
You turn to megaphone. Than even your neigbourhood will spread you with catpiss.
Rei97 _________________
skype: hrei97
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washryc Frischling
Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2015 Beiträge: 8 Wohnort: Dresden
Verfasst am: 26.01.2016 14:53 Titel: |
I would love to learn and know more the the TUV guy, but the thing is, I'm having a hard enough time learning German it self... pretty sure I'll need a good level of language skill to even understand TUV laws, unless there is an English version of it somewhere? It's only my fault not knowing more German.
I know Police would probably over look these older small bikes compared to what's being produce out there at the moment, but making sure it's all lawfully correct i guess is the most important. You can never be too safe, especially on a bike, with so many other people driving around you.
The research continues. |
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fpg Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 21.03.2006 Beiträge: 5096
Verfasst am: 06.02.2016 10:38 Titel: |
here are the pictures
der fpg _________________ tradition ist nicht das aufbewahren der asche, sondern das weiterreichen der streichhölzer ...
http://www.ausgestrahlt.de |
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rei97 Forum-König

Anmeldedatum: 07.08.2005 Beiträge: 7157 Wohnort: Denkendorf
Verfasst am: 06.02.2016 11:35 Titel: |
Da hier kaum jemand im Forum der Supertwin 850 sein dürfte, kann auch niemand die Bilder sehen, ausser Du hostest sie auf dem eigenen Webspace oder bei den bekannten Bilderhostern. Leider ist unsere Gallerie derzeit nicht mehr funktionsfähig. Deshalb ist auch diese Option dzt. nicht möglich.
Rei97 _________________
skype: hrei97
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